Hall’s Living Library

Hall's Living library is a large private collection consisting of over 17,000 living books.

These timeless tales and classic stories have taught life's lessons through the ages.

Membership and circulation are managed by Sandy Hall, a former home educator, librarian, writer and mentor for the Unite Homeschool Support Network.

Private Library visits are scheduled by family with many members visiting once a month.

Membership costs: $150/year

Request more information or schedule a preview tour!

Hall’s Living Library is a lending library of living books for families. Owned and operated by Mrs. Sandy Hall, and housed at Highlands Community Church, the library specializes in vintage, out-of-print children’s books from the Golden Era of Children’s Literature.

Why not pick a book recommended by Sandy, and snuggle up with your kids for a special reading time each day?

Library memberships are open to the public. Please use the form to contact Sandy directly for more information or for special requests.

Hall’s Living Library


Dallas, GA


Here Sandy Hall gives some great words of wisdom for any home educator!