What a Membership will do for you.

Imagine a network of families who have the same goals, including mentors who have overcome the same troubles you face today.

Imagine finding fieldtrips, parties or nature classes easily without getting distracted with politics or social pressure.

Imagine a private, homeschool focused platform that is safe & secure with no data mining.

This is what Unite Homeschool is!

Your one-stop place for all things homeschool related.


Watch below as the Founder, Angela Pilcher tells about our network. πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

We left all the social media junk behind and are creating a healthy, helpful place designed specifically for the busy homeschool parent.

Our posts never disappear, your app will remember where you left off, and there are easy to use search functions to find what you need quickly.

We dare you to leave Facebook behind during your free trial week and see how much better you feel being equipped with intentional resources instead!


Watch the Introductory Tour below to see how easy it is to navigate our network!



  • Our plans range from $7 / month or $50 dollars per year with potential add-ons for premium groups or workshops.

  • All of our board and administrators are volunteers and do not receive payment for their time and investment. Our fees cover website costs, video server space, email services and insurance just to name a few. Any additional funds remaining are put towards marketing materials and member enrichment events.

  • YES! Stay in touch on the go with our mighty networks app which connects directly to our private community.

  • Our membership is designed to keep distractions low and visibility high. Everything that happens on the network is homeschool related!

    Finding events on our community platform is EASY! Each local group can create their own events, but all events show up in the main β€œEvents” menu based on the members groups. This means one easy place to find field trips, parties and more!

    Low notifications means that you will not be bombarded with meaningless notifications (you set your notifications!).

    To read more about this look at our post β€œ7 Reasons our community is Special”.

  • Not yet. We are in the process of becoming a Non-Profit Corporation and hope to be able to pass benefits on to you as well.

  • Most of our current network is located in Georgia. However our network is ever growing and we are adding new local groups all the time. If you join and find that there is not a group local to you - let us know! We would love to create a group so people near you can find one another.

  • Cancelling is easy. Within the network you can delete your account at any time and your membership will be cancelled. Although, we hope you’ll benefit from the help, community and support and want to stay as long as you homeschool.

Have another question? Go ahead and shoot us an email! We would love to answer your questions!